Monday, March 7, 2016

Mountain Climbing

We truly create our own paths. It's real easy to quit driving and just ride along, then next thing you know you have rolled of a cliff. Most people that far down the mountain look up and decide to just lie down in the valley. Wasn't me. I looked in the mirror and was blinded by the reflection that the valley had created. So I started climbing and I looked up and saw a light thought that must be the top. As I've been climbing that mountain I could hear voices, all of them. I reached a point where light was shinning through and found a woman with two beautiful girls. They were stuck at that moment but together we knew we could hike together.So I stuck out my hand and the woman took it. Her children, herself and me begin to climb on to the next Today I reached another ray of light and cried tears of joy because my girls where there waiting for me to take their hand and officially come home. So I took their hand and looked up that mountain I turned to them and smiled. I smiled not because we had reached that light at the top but because together we get to start a new trail together and I know that trail is not going to be easy but I also know the hike will never be as ruff as it has been and I'll never stop climbing.