Thursday, July 16, 2015

Define Yourself Everyday

I see a lot of people, friends,loved ones struggle with who they are,their purpose.What they think they have become because of past or financial failures.
“Two things define you. Your patience when you have nothing, and your attitude when you have everything.” No one defines you but you. What defines you is your belief of the potential that you have and your worthiness. The more worthy you feel and the more centered you stay in this humble worthiness, the more you can pull others into the same light. Because the truth is everyone is worthy.
As parents we need to try and center ourselves in that place, in balance with keeping integrity(even if we have failed in our past) because we touch and inspire the heart’s of our children and others.

Take a Walk on the Star Side with Me

Take a walk on the star side with me and absorb some knowledge. In mythology Pluto represents transformation, the parts of oneself that have to die in order to be resurrected. It is associated with the Phoenix from the ashes, the butterfly from the caterpillar and the destruction for creation. Astrologically Pluto has been coined the “great re newer”, bringing to light those things in need of elimination in order for greatness to rise. Linked to wealth, power and personal mastery, Pluto has been guilty by association as wealth has turned to greed, power has turned to control and personal mastery has become whatever it is “they” tell you to do. Throughout history it seems Pluto has played a major cosmic role in the evolutionary process. If history repeats itself then it is by bringing to light that which has been kept hidden that will ignite a change of consciousness, it is no longer about ignoring the darkness it is about transforming it. It is by being aware of what needs to be revealed, removed and rebirthed that we can use Pluto as a galactic ally and not a cause for fear. I believe Pluto holds a secret, it reveals our secrets, and it inspires the death of the egoic mind in order to make a global shift. Is it coincidence that we are entering an age of heightened spirituality, false teachers, organizations shamed, religions blamed, a proverbial boiling pot of old paradigms, beliefs and falling structures, as the planet of the underworld is getting ready for its close up? What if this is not actually a planet of doom but a power house of creation and is now being brought to light, because now is the time. Time to make a collective shift and expose all that is corrupt in our world both globally and individually. Perhaps Pluto's reputation for devastation is only man's misunderstanding and we the people are being given the proper food at the proper time to understand that the foundation on which we have been operating is based on fear of the dark side. Not because it is evil, but because it is powerful but then again maybe it's another message that because of all this hate in the world God's heart has turned cold? Maybe things are going to have to turn to dark before it can be restored to light. Perhaps the love we see in Pluto is not just a coincidental edit, but a message from above.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Heavenly Signs Part:2: Are You Sleeping Brother John

Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping Brother John?
9/13/2015(Shmita/End of Sabbath takes place every 7 years. 2008-Global financial crisis-2001 how can you forget 9/11/2001)
9/14/2015 (Jewish New Year)
9/15/2015 ( Jade Helm 15 training to end)
9/21/2015  (International Day of Peace)
9/23/2015 (Yom Kipper, Day of Atonement/Day of Judgement) Jewish calendar
9/23/2015 (also many biblical scholars believe this is the start of the final 7 years in the book of Daniel also known as the end of 49)
9/24/2015 (conspiracy asteroid to come within 2.5 miles of Earth)
9/25/2015 ( Yom Kipper, Day of Atonement/Day of Judgement) Torah calendar
9/25/2015 ( on 5/14/2014 French Minister along side John Kerry announce claim to climate chaos to start in 500 days.)
9/28/2015 (Sukkot/Feast of Tabernacles)
9/28/2015 (Super Blood Moon to be seen over Jerusalem)

***Understand none of this may mean anything these are just dates***

Then again sometimes messages can be heard in the strangest of places
Just like as I was driving to work this morning listening to the radio( and I know the proclaimed meaning behind this song) but the lyrics....

Summer has come and passed
 The innocent can never last
 Wake me up when September ends
 Like my father's come to pass
 Seven years has gone so fast
 Wake me up when September ends
 Here comes the rain again
 Falling from the stars
 Drenched in my pain again
 Becoming who we are
 As my memory rests
 But never forgets what I lost
 Wake me up when September ends?

I also have caught myself humming brother John lately. Do you know the original words to this song before it was turned into the nursery rhyme we know it as?
One is the substitute national song "The Revolution of Citizens" released in 1926, and another is the popular nursery rhyme "Two Tigers".

 The former was sung to encourage solders and people during the Northern Expedition in China.
 The lyrics:
 'Overthrow the foreign Powers ×2,
 Eliminate the warlords ×2;
 The citizens strive hard for the Revolution ×2,
 Joint affair to fight ×2.
 Overthrow the foreign Powers ×2,
 Eliminate the warlords ×2;
 The Revolution is successful ×2,
 Joyfully sing in unison ×2.'
 It once popular at that time, but nowadays few people know this military version.

The later one is a very common children's song whose lyrics were adapted from a sad love story:
 Once upon a time, there were a brother and a sister with special abilities living together in the Tiger Kingdom. The brother had a second sight, and the sister could hear voice from far way off. So they shared the good things from faraway places every day.
 Here are the lyrics:
Two Tigers×2, Running fast ×2, One has no eyes, One has no ears, So strange ×2.
As the last two sentences in "Two Tigers", 'it's so strange, it's so strange,' I think it is very contradictory to sing these stories in such happy melody.

Now think about the version we all know
Are you sleeping, Are you sleeping;
Brother John, Brother John,
Morning bells are ringing, Morning bells are ringing;
Ding ding dong, Ding ding dong.

What do all three say or mean? What is the message? The soldier version is straight forward but then when you combine the three what does it mean?
I think it's simple:
Two Tigers=Brother John & Brother John
One can see the signs and one can hear the signs but they are doing nothing about it to help.
Are you sleeping=it's so strange

I believe that is what is going on right now. I believe we have all the signs that there is to be major change if we do not wake up and do something about it now. Time for brother John to hear the bells, see the signs, over throw the foreign powers, eliminate the warlords ,join together as Christians and stand. One thing about prophecy is it shows God is real. I do believe these could be the last day’s maybe the last 7 in the book of Daniel. The prophecies of Daniel would have started around 1665 which looking back on that date is an interesting time in history. 3 things that stand out to me are this 1.The first scientific journal is published 2.The first record of someone to have died from the plague 3. The two books published/or wrote that year..."The End of the World" and "The Resurrection of the Dead and the Eternal Judgement and the Holy City or the New Jerusalem" which were wrote by the preacher John Bunyan while being inprisoned for the religion he spoke of. Where is your head America?

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Heavenly Signs

I feel the need to share this with you all. I by no means am a Holy Man. You all know this. I like to joke around, have a good time, and make people smile even if it’s crossing the line. I have done many, many things wrong, sometimes to some of you. I have done things that I know one day I will have to answer for and forgiveness is all I can ask. I know I have experienced things that most have not as well. Sadly most of these are not things of joy. I have battled with demons on a level that most would not come back from. I have failed at life as a father and a man. I also know that I was lost. I had no idea of truth. I did not believe in Jesus I thought of him as a fairy tale. He started showing himself to me during some of my darkest times. I experienced death first hand as I watched myself lying in that hospital bed and when that unexplainable light came he told me he was not ready nor was I. Even after all that I still was lost. So I left Kingsport and went to live with a man that I hated more than anyone else in this world. It was the best thing that ever happened to me. He never tried to sugar coat anything or make any excuses about his absence in my life. He just wanted to know me nor did he judge me for my mistakes like I was use too and I realized and did not hate him I just hated the fact that I did not know him. I got away from the city, I got away from everyone I knew and loved. I got back in the woods, I could see the stars and the moon really for the first time I was instantly infatuated, started working on the land, and listening to the beautifullness of silence. I would go to work and as soon as I would get off I would go work at “Papaw's house”. Now he was not my Papaw he was actually Linda’s dad. He is old, hateful, lonely, but wise. Every night before I went home, I would go in and talk with him. He has studied religion on outstanding level, Old Testament, New Testament, The Hebrew Bible and more. He even had studied the history of the origin of language. He also told me that I had missed my calling in life that no one would listen to me now because the choices I had made but that I was a “watcher”. He said I know you pay attention to everyone and everything that is going on around you and he was right I always have but how did he know? I did this for weeks he would talk and I would listen. I did not always agree with what he was telling me but I never told him that. He had me in the scripture. I caught myself studying sometimes for hours at a time. Some nights I would stay up reading until it was time to go to work. Then the woods and the silence started talking and I started listening and I have slowly started to turn my life around. I am still a work in progress and I will be every day. Understand that I was as low as a human can go. I hated everything I had become. I also realized I was the only one that could change myself. Now I am not happy where I am at I still have not got my children back but I am content with who I am. I have not forgot or forgiven myself with my past but I learned it has put me where I am at and now I must accept and move on. Now the reason I have felt the need to share this with you is because I am listening and I felt I needed to. There is a lot going on in this world that is hard to fathom. I have shared some feelings on facebook that you may or may not have read but I want you to. I haven’t sleep at all the last couple weeks I have felt like God was telling me I need to do something. Ashley who I hope you all get to meet had asked me some questions on certain topics in our world and I answered without truly thinking about. This was my original response.
This is just my opinion but what if this is what's really going on?
For a made-up military mission, Jade Helm 15 is impressively elaborate: The two-month simulation planned for this summer spans much of the Southwest, requiring special forces from four branches of the military to carry out covert operations amid “hostile” territory in Texas, Utah and part of California.
The question that Texas and other Americans are asking is why? Now I do not believe this in anyway is our government trying to invade Texas that is "silly". However it should raise a eye to us all. Why would our government be training how to handle hostile areas in our own country? Terroist? That's a joke. They may be able to take on a desert but America. Yes we know a handful can cause great devastation but there is no way they could ever come into our country and take over such a large area. Impossible the people wouldn't allow. So what are they pre pairing for?
Personally I think everything going on in our world today is a much larger plot than the common man can comprehend. Maybe our government is pre pairing for Americans to rebel against them and maybe this is exactly what our current administration wants. They are using the media to try and cause tension between us as Americans. Over blown coverage of crimes that happen everyday and have happened for years. Are we really so naive to believe that cops have just now shot maybe a innocent civilian, or that a man has killed people in a church, or that this was the first hate crime our country has had? No it happens everyday and has been. For the most part people only know what they hear.I'm sorry but can we not see they only report what they want us to hear. This is all apart for them to tear us down to where we will attack each other. They want your guns why? So you can not defend yourself.This administration does not have that much longer left so how can they create a situation to take over and continue their push for total control? Lets piss off the majority lets cause tension.They have took God out of our life for many years. Our children do not know religion. Nor do they understand it. Maybe this is all apart of their plan. Lets start a uproar a huge fight among the people. Now what do they have to do. Well they have to call the military in to set in order. Well now the country is to out of control to hold elections at this time so we are going to keep everything in line for the safety of our great Nation. I can hear the speech now. They leaked this info on military training on purpose. So as citizens you can see first hand we can not fight physically. This is all part of it, all part of the end. I really got to thinking last night about "Heritage" I have always been a proud Southern man. Stand up for the South but I did what we all should do when we have questions and I opened my BIBLE and one of the first things I came across was. We are not to have blind obedience to the government when it may supersede the Bible, God, and our own conscience. God has given civil Governments the power to establish a society to be rule justly, morally. Justified civil disobedience is allowed when the believer is commanded to do something contrary to the Word of God. The Bible permits Christians to disobey the law only when they are commanded to do evil or to turn from doing good (Acts 5:28-29). But has our country asked us to do anything that would make us individually dis obey God? we cannot turn to violence, we cannot! All we can do is Pray, maintain Faith, keep calm, and vote get out and make a change for the good of God and our country. Maybe they want us to react with violence and hate but we need to react with Love, Prayer, and Faith.

I answered quickly without thinking through. Ever since then it has still been on my head. So I got back into the scripture last night and thought about everything even things I had spoke about before. I realized this morning this is what God was telling me that I needed to tell my family how I feel especially my children, nieces and nephews because you need to know the truth. I hope you all are reading this. If you are you are probably thinking Unc or Dad has lost his mind. Honestly I am seeing clearer than I have my whole life. So here is my real response to Ashley’s question.
I should have probably done a better job at re wording myself. Plus I am not proclaiming my thoughts to be true. This is just saying. When looking at the times we are in I do believe our government is pre pairing for something. What? I don't know but maybe neither do they. I apologize for saying this is what they want because I do not know if it is true but I do know this. We are in the times where 4 Blood Moons all fall on Jewish holidays. Venus and Jupiter aligned also known as the Star of Bethlehem for the first time in 2,000 years. Not only is this star mentioned in Matthew chapter 2 but it is also mentioned in Numbers 24 regarding cataclysmic events. This Sept.13 is the end of a 7 year cycle in Israel known as Shemitah. The last Shemitah 2008 we had a subprime mortgage crisis, the one before Sept. 11, 2001. I know Jade Helm is set to end Sept. 15 and Sept.28 is the final Blood Moon and it will also be a Super Moon. Unlike the previous 3 it will also be seen in Jerusalem for the first time. Genesis 1:14 And God said, "Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as SIGNS to mark sacred times, and days and years. All I am saying is I believe there is about to be a major change in our world. I just feel like I should share it with people who may not know. Jesus told His disciples what would be the signs of the end of the age and some of them involved signs in the heavens.
To be a "Watcher, and observe what is happening in the heavens when "unusual signs" are seen in the heavens we watch, pray and record. With the times that we live in being the way they are I just want to remind my fellow Brothers and Sisters ."Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen..." - Luke 21:36
I also wanted to share with you all and tell you I love you and I think this is a time no matter what happens in the world we need to come together as family and friends and start living right for all our children’s future. I am not trying to scare anyone but I know we have not been a very religious family or people but I think now is the time. Yeshua(Jesus) told his disciples what would be the signs of the end of the age and some of them involved signs in the Heavens he closes commanding them to “watch” 4 times. To be a “Watcher, and observe what is happening in the heavens” relating to the Last Day, when “unusual signs” are seen in the heavens we watch, pray, and record. Jesus spoke those words after he warned us of many of the events that will happen in the end times. They are especially relevant to us today when we consider current headline are now fulfilling Bible prophecy at an absolutely amazing rate – which is the setting the stage for more ominous events to happen at any time. You look at the world and hang your head in shame. It is so sad to see mankind destroying each other and choosing this world over God. In every aspect of life, we see the God of the universe and His creation on two different roads. One is filled with love, patience, kindness, and salvation, where the other is filled with hate, murder, adultery, and perversion. No wonder our world is in such a mess. Creation is groaning for the day when the Father will make all things new. I love you and I am sorry I wrote so much but I felt the need to get this off my chest and I wanted to make sure your ears listen to what I have to say.

                                                                                          In nothing but LOVE,


Saturday, July 11, 2015

If I Have a Dream

The requirement is respect. We HAVE to have respect for each other, regardless of if our beliefs are different. We HAVE to be willing to listen to what each other has to say, and we have to be REASONABLE in what we ask for, and what we give in exchange.
It is through this balance that we can create the system of consciousness that will transcend all of our past limitations, and send us in a direction towards the benefit of all mankind, and the earth around us.
We are all a mirror reflection of the great universal mind, our true selves is our body of consciousness. These physical forms are only vessels for pain, pleasure, and everything in-between.