Thursday, June 9, 2016

Brothers & Sisters Reunion 2016

When all hope of going to the 2 day show at The Shed was up, my baby made me Rock n Roll again. One of our first big moments together was the 2015 reunion.

She got us both free tickets for both shows from fellow brother Mike Carrington due to him not being able to attend. So with no plans or money saved we headed out to the Reunion.

Night 1 for us was hectic at the last second we decided to get a campsite at Whispering River because other brothers and sisters were staying there. We both got off work and headed straight to the campsite to pitch our tent and get set up. By the time we got there we literally had just enough time to pitch the tent and get to the show.
The show was amazing and the 6 pack bucket of Coors Light really kicked my a$$ for some reason. Ashley drove us all the way home that night with me asleep. At some point apparently I feel over into her lap where I remained until we got home. She drove all the way home because she had to work Saturday. Getting the tickets at the last second there was no way she could get off, nor could we afford her to miss.

Night 2 was not my best performance. I was upset that I was missing the photo for the Brothers and Sisters at The Shed with the band, and not getting to the campground early enough to meet or fellow brothers and sisters. Ashley ended up working later than expected so again we barely get to our tent before having to leave. This time we call a cab with good intentions on heading to the show which was about 20 minutes away from our site. Around 18 minutes into our cab ride we realize we left our tickets in the truck....and we turn around. At this point I am $50 bucks into the cab ride so I decide to drive myself. Ashley dead set on having a good time starts hammering down shots of JD.

I am pissed not so much because I cannot drink but because I am driving in piss pour rain which I hate. As Ashley starts feeling better I am becoming Mr. Asshole of 2016. I knew our campsite was going to be a wreck and part of me just wanted to drive on home but this is Blackberry Smoke and free tickets we are going. When we first arrive (both exhausted from work and all the driving)
I am not in a great mood and I upset Ashley to the point of tears....What a F&^k!ng  Dickhead she had done everything for me. All for me because she wanted me to have a good time.
As the music started to play I realize what a Douche I had been and I pulled her in to re assure her that I love her and let her know I was sorry about my attitude.
The show was great as always and we had a good time.

We decided to get a room after the show because there was no way we where going to the mud hole to sleep in the piss pour weather. Our room was lovely so lovely I keep a little protection under the pillow all night just in case. I hate that I let my attitude keep me from meeting more of my brothers and sisters but most of all I hate that I let it ruin part of our night especially Ashley's, because this was supposed to be a weekend of escape for her as well. So all in all the shows were Amazing! but I was not. And I want to say I'm sorry babe for my behavior I just want you to know I love you and did not mean to be such a jerk.. Never Again Babe. I love you!


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